About Us

INFO10 Media which stands for 'Infotainment Media Network' is a professional media production company that specialises in providing documentary films, video production, audio-visual documentation, social media campaigns, web development services and content writing. We have a team of associate and freelance cinematographers, editors, audio engineers, photographers, IT professionals, writers and researchers who have experience in the social, environmental and IT domains. The team began its journey as 'DecryptOr Infotainment' in 2014, and has been registered as 'INFO10 Media' company since 2018.

The effort is to create INFOTAINMENT — meaningful information conveyed in an entertaining manner. With a heavy dose of creativity and precise technical expertise and in association with Applause IT Solutions, an IT solutions company, we help you make just the right noises in the digital space. We are a one stop solution for all your digital communication needs.

Video & Film Production

We tell your stories through our lens. Compelling narrative combined with strong cinematic visuals that can move mountains.

Social Media Consultant

We give you a unique voice and strong online presence. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, you just name it!

Web Development Services

We give a home to your brand. All web development services and cost effective solutions for mobile and tablet support.

Content Writing & Management

We make facts sound interesting and shape ideas into eloquent matter. Putting words in your mouth, the right way.




I have had the joy of working with Tushar Sarode and his team at INFO10 Media on the following projects like Golden Rule Day (2018, 19 & 20), Charter for Compassion Webithon. A video on the Corona relief operations of the Pragati Foundation and a short film on the Annadata Citizens Movement for Safe Food, as a part of Compassionate Pune.

In my work with Tushar, I have found him to be sensitive to the issues of Wholesome Development, creative in his work besides being diligent and reliable. He has used the time of Lockdowns arising from the Pandemic to upgrade his skills and technical capabilities. I wish Tushar and team Info10 Media all the best going forward.

Best regards

Arun Wakhlu Executive Director, Pragati Leadership. Chairman, Pragati Foundation

I have known Tushar Sarode for the last 7 years as a volunteer. He got the idea that work done voluntarily under Vasundhara Swachata Abhiyan (VSA) for pure air, pure water and pure toxin-free food for all is utmost important. He found that the work is important and is need of the hour but is not documented. He identified the gap and tried to fill it with the skill and interest he has in terms of photos, digital artifacts, videos etc.

However on a busy schedule also he manages to put efforts and give time for social cause as social and moral responsibility. He covered many social issues and events, activities by VSA. He not only captured Pune Floods in 2019 , 2020 but tried to provide the cause of its impact with proof by his photos, posters, videos and small articles. Many times print and TV media used his creation as is for their news.

I found the Tushar & INFO10 team very passionate, trustworthy and dedicated to work. I am sure he must be putting efforts and same passion in his commercial venture. I wish them all the best and well wishes for the future. Really Tushar and his firm is an asset to society .

Deepak Shrote, Pune Speaker, writer, IT professional and Volunteer VSA and Toxin-Free Food Movement for all

In today's technology-driven world, many citizens are not aware about the importance of nature. Hats off to Tushar for his patience, dedication, hard work and passion about conservation of nature! His actual field work and documentaries, short films, etc. are definitely very useful for creating much needed awareness about nature.

Wishing Tushar all the very best for his future endeavours!

Priya Phulambrikar Jeevitnadi River Warrior, Founder of Green Birds Initiative

अपने Purest विचार से, आत्मविश्वास व कार्य को समर्पित होकर वसुंधरा स्वच्छता अभियन, जीवितनदी, जलदेवता सेवा अभियान, संगीतकार, गझलकार in सभी के कार्य के क्षण को अपने कॅमेरा मे कैद करणनेका कार्य अपेक्षा व स्वार्थ रहित, शांत प्रसन्न चित्त एकाग्र होकर बडी शिद्दत करने वाला तुषार. मैने ऐसे फकीर को अनुभव किया जिसकी झोली खाली है मगर फिर भी सभी कार्यकर्ता को आनंद बांटते फिरने का हौसला रखता हो.

जो अपनी झोली से जो कोई भी व्यक्ति अपने किसी भी बिताये हुए आनंद व उल्लास भरे क्षण की मांग करता है, तो वह उस व्यक्ति को उसका आनंद भरा क्षण अपनी झोली से निकाल कर देता है. उस व्यक्ति के सामाजिक कार्य को समाज मे वितरित भी करता है.

शैलेंद्र पटेल जलदेवता सेवा अभियान

We started Ghazal for Soul, 4 years ago. I always experience Your dedication, commitment towards work and promises. You and INFO10 team work really hard consistently and think beyond just the economic gains from the projects. Together we have travelled a lot to interview eminent Shayar, Ghazal Singers, poets and social workers. Around 60 thousand people have joined our community ‘Ghazal for Soul’ which promotes Humanitarian thoughts via Shayari. We also have tried to raise funds for noble social causes on this platform. Apart from Ghazal I have seen this team covering multiple social and environmental issues with dedication. I wish best of luck for the future endeavours.

Alhad Kashikar Ghazal For Soul

Tushar Sarode is one of the most sincere and passionate film makers and content creators that I have met. If you work with him, you can expect to benefit from the unique combination of his dedication to the art of film making and story telling, along with the interest and knowledge he has on the topics that he takes up.

Chaitanya Vikas Drishyanvesh

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+91 8087776595
+91 8055 045 995

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A-206, Saikrupa, Pashan, Pune-411021